019 2696 2535
078 5790 1556
4 Linley Drive
Purbeck Village
Warwick CV348AT
United Kingdom
Registration Of A Child As British Citizen - MN1 Application
Children who are under the of 18 years (minors) can apply to the Home Office for registration as British citizens (MN1 Application) under the following sections of the British Nationality Act 1981. Once a child reaches age 18 they will have to apply to naturalise using form AN.
Contact details
4 Linley Drive
Purbeck Village
Warwick, CV34 8AT
United Kingdom
019 2696 2535
078 5790 1556
Opening Hours
Mon-Thu: 9:30 - 17:00
Fri: 9.30 - 16.30
Sat and Sun: Closed